On Call

A magazine for friends of the school.

The school’s flagship publication, On Call is produced tri-annually (spring, summer and winter) for friends of the UW School of Veterinary Medicine. It includes the latest news on the school’s ground-breaking research; world-class faculty, staff, and students; exceptional alumni; and outstanding donors, as well as other news about what’s going on at the school.


Each issue of On Call is mailed free of charge to the school’s alumni and donors as well as UW Veterinary Care clients.

However, if you are not currently a SVM alum, donor, or client, we would be happy to send you On Call for one year (three issues). To subscribe, please send an email to oncall@vetmed.wisc.edu with “Subscribe” in the subject line. Please be sure to include a full name and mailing address. Subscribers must be at least 18 years of age.

If you become a SVM alum, donor, or client before your one-year trial expires, your subscription will continue uninterrupted. You can make a gift online or learn about the veterinary medical services offered at UW Veterinary Care.

If you are an alum of the SVM and you would like to make sure that you receive On Call, please update your contact information by contacting Kristi Thorson at kristi.thorson@wisc.edu.