Kurt Sladky, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACZM, Diplomate ECZM (Zoo Health Management & Herpetology) Clinical Professor
Department of Surgical Sciences
Office: 3270B
Titles and Education
- 2017-Present Clinical Professor, Zoological Medicine
- 2011-Present Clinical Associate Professor, Zoological Medicine, Special Species Health
- 2006-2011 Clinical Assistant Professor, Zoological Medicine, Special Species Health
- 2005 Diplomate, American College of Zoological Medicine
- 2001-2006 Clinical Instructor, Zoological Medicine, Special Species Health
- 1997-2000 Residency in Zoological Medicine, North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
- 1993 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
- 1988 M.S., Psychology (Animal Behavior), University of Wisconsin
- 1981 B.S., Meat and Animal Science, University of Wisconsin
I have 2 current research areas of interest:
- My clinical research encompasses comparative nondomestic animal analgesia/anesthesia, with an emphasis on analgesic efficacy in reptiles, amphibians, fish and avian species, and anesthetic efficacy in nonhuman primates.
- From a theoretical perspective, I am interested in the evolution of nociception, from invertebrates to mammals.
- My broader research interests include conservation medicine and the interface between wildlife, domestic animal, and human health and disease. Within this context, my focus is anthropogenic influences on infectious and noninfectious diseases affecting free-ranging wildlife species, and the consequences on ecosystem, animal, and human health.
- Clinical responsibilities include: medical and surgical management of pet nondomestic, zoo, and wildlife species
- Teaching responsibilities include: 1) fourth year veterinary students clinical rotation in Special Species Health and nondomestic animals anesthesia didactic; 2) third year students Special Species Medicine; 3) coordinator for upper level undergraduate course, Diseases of Wildlife; 4) I also teach a variety of single lectures: Zootoxicology, parasitology of nondomestic pets, avian radiology, and ethics of maintaining elephants in captivity.
- Advisor, University of Wisconsin Global Health Initiative, Advisor
- Member, Master’s of Public Health Advisory Committee, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
Clinical Interests
My clinical focus is Zoological Medicine, which encompasses 3 broad animal areas: zoo and aquaria, free-ranging wildlife, and nondomestic pets. I am Section Head of the Special Species Health Service, and I oversee Resident and student training in Zoological Medicine.
Graduate Training
I am a member of the Public Health Program Faculty for MPH students; Department of Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
I have served as Capstone Project Advisor and/or a member of Capstone Committees for MPH students.
Recent Publications
- View my publications on PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=sladky+k&sort=date & Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=J8PcWO0AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate