Titles and Education
- Professor Emeritus, Dean Emeritus
- DVM 1952, Michigan State University
- MS 1958, University of Wisconsin
- PhD 1961, University of Wisconsin
- Dilpomate, American College of Veterinary Microbiology, 1967
Dr. Easterday was appointed as Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Science, UW-Madison in 1961 and was promoted to professor in 1966. He served as Chairman of the Department of Veterinary Science for the period 1968-74. He was appointed as acting dean of Veterinary Medicine Development in April, 1978 to lead the initial stages of the development of the School of Veterinary Medicine. In September, 1979, he was appointed Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine and he retired from that position in September 1994 with the titles of Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus.. Dr. Easterday received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1975, the Veterinarian of the Year award in Wisconsin in 1979 and the Walter Renk Distinguished Professor Award for 1987. On the occasion of his retirement he was presented a gold medal award by the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic. He received a Michigan State University Distinguished Alumni Award in 1999 and a University of Wisconsin-Madison Distinguished Alumni Award in 2003. He was awarded the American Veterinary Medical Association XIIth International Veterinary Congress Prize in 2004. Dr. Easterday serves and has served as a reviewer for several scientific journals. His research, instructional, and clinical interests pertain to infectious diseases of livestock, especially viral respiratory diseases of cattle, and influenza virus infections of swine and avian species and their relationship to human influenza. Dr. Easterday is compiling a history of veterinary medicine at UW-Madison and the development of the School of Veterinary Medicine.