Barry Hartup, DVM, MS, PhD


Department of Surgical Sciences
Office: 3122ICF

Barry Hartup, DVM, MS, PhD

Titles and Education

  1. Clinical Instructor, Zoological Medicine
  2. Ph.D. Wildlife Diseases and Epidemiology, Cornell University 2000
  3. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1993
  4. MS, Land Resources (Conservation Biology) University of Wisconsin-Madison 1989
  5. BS Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1985


Dr. Hartup conducts research in support of his service to the International Crane Foundation, including projects with endangered whooping cranes as well as other captive and free-ranging cranes.  Dr. Hartup has investigated the health of free ranging whooping cranes, health challenges to rehabilitation of grey crowned cranes in Africa, the use of fecal corticosterone as a non-invasive measure of stress in cranes, the seroepidemiology of infectious bursal disease virus, risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders in captive-reared cranes, and the veterinary care of captive cranes in Chinese zoos.



Director of Conservation Medicine at the International Crane Foundation, lecturer in Special Species Health, resident and veterinary preceptor training, continuing education for zoo and wildlife professionals. Dr. Hartup is also the chair of the Whooping Crane Health Advisory Team to the international Whooping Crane Recovery Team, and has been an active member within the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership.

Clinical Interests

Avian medicine, wildlife health and epidemiology, conservation medicine.

Recent Publications

  1. Peer Reviewed Publications