Susan Semrad

Department of Medical Sciences
Office: 4150

Susan Semrad

Titles and Education

  1. Head, Large Animal Medicine Section
    UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, Madison, WI
  2. BSN, 1970
    Georgetown University
  3. MS, 1972 
    University of Pennsylvania
  4. VMD, 1981 
    University of Pennsylvania
  5. PhD, 1986
    University of Georgia
  6. Diplomate, 
    American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine


Pathophysiology and therapy of equine and bovine endotoxemia/septicemia. The primary research emphasis is in the physiological alterations induced by endotoxemia/septicemia in the bovine neonates. Of particular interest is potential therapeutic modalities including nonsteroidal and steroidal antiinflamatory agents, lazaroids, and oxygen radial modulators and glucose regulation during sepsis.


Large animal internal medicine; clinical nutrition; diagnostic and therapeutic techniques; physical examination.

Recent Publications

  1. Semrad, S. D., Rose, M. L., & Adams, J. L. (1993). Effect of tirilazad mesylate (U74006F) on eicosanoid and tumor necrosis factor generation in healthy and endotoxemic neonatal calves. Circulatory shock40(4), 235–242.
  2. Semrad S. D. (1993). Comparison of flunixin, prednisolone, dimethyl sulfoxide, and a lazaroid (U74389F) for treating endotoxemic neonatal calves. American journal of veterinary research54(9), 1517–1522.
  3. Semrad, S. D., & Dubielzig, R. (1994). Effect of repeated administration of tirilazad mesylate on healthy and endotoxemic calves: a pilot study. Canadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche veterinaire58(1), 67–70.
  4. Gerros, T. C., .Semrad, S. D, & Proctor, R. A. (1995). Alterations in clinical, hematological and metabolic variables in bovine neonatal endotoxemia. Canadian journal of veterinary research = Revue canadienne de recherche veterinaire59(1), 34–39.