Application of multiple imaging modalities (e.g. electron microscopy, multiphoton laser-scanning microscopy and computational image analysis) to study the morphology of extracellular matrices in ocular diseases.Current projects:
- Characterization of the architecture and extracellular matrix alterations on the optic nerve and trabecular meshwork in multiple animal models of glaucoma.
- The ocular changes associated with genetic mutations on genes that regulate extracellular matrix metabolism.
- Morphologic changes on the sclera in animals with buphthalmos.
- Ultrastructural evaluation of animal models of retinal and choroidal neovascularization.
Current projects:
- Morphologic changes seen in spontaneous glaucomas in dogs and cats
- Clinico-pathological aspects of ocular tumors in animals.
- Director of the Comparative Ocular pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW).
- Teaching: Second year systemic pathology course (Ocular pathology, Cardiovascular pathology and Bone pathology); training of anatomic pathology and veterinary ophthalmology residents.
- Collaborative research in the academic setting through the McPherson Eye Research Institute (MERI) and corporate setting through the Comparative Ophthalmic Research Laboratory (CORL) and associated LLC, Ocular Services on Demand (OSOD).
Clinical Interests
- Diagnostic anatomic pathology with special interest in ocular pathology.
- Ocular toxicologic pathology.
Graduate Training
- 2012 - Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Pathologists.
- 2012 - Fellowship, Vision Science, Dpt. of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine and Public Health and Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW), School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 2010 - Fellowship, Comparative Ocular Pathology, Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW), School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 2007 - MS, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu, Brazil
- 2005 - Anatomic Pathology Residency, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2002 - DVM, West Paulista University (UNOESTE), Sao Paulo, Brazil
Recent Publications
- Teixeira LBC, Dubielzig RR. The eye. In: Haschek WM, Rousseaux CG, Walling MA eds. Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology. Elsevier, 3ed. 2013.
- Teixeira LBC, Render JA. Methodologies for Microscopic Characterization of Ocular Toxicity. In: Gilger BC. Ocular Pharmacology and Toxicology. Humana Press, 2013.
- Teixeira LBC, Buhr KA, Bowie O, Duke FD, Nork TM, Dubielzig RR, McLellan GJ. Quantifying optic nerve axons in a cat glaucoma model by a semi-automated targeted counting method. Molecular Vision. 2014; 20:376-385.
- Teixeira LBC, Zhao Y, Dubielzig RR, Sorenson CM, Sheibani N. Ultrastructural abnormalities of the trabecular meshwork extracellular matrix in Cyp1b1-dificient mice. Veterinary Pathology, March, 2014.
- Teixeira LBC, Pinkerton ME, Dubielzig RR. Periocular extracranial cutaneous meningiomas in two dogs. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2014; 26(4):575-579.