Teaching resources

Teaching Resources

This google drive folder below holds notes, papers, and other various useful information. It is not yet well organized.

Collaboration tools


Mural – collaborative digital infinite whiteboard


The characteristics of white supremacy culture

Dismantling racism workbook website

UW Madison – Who Matters? Who Belongs? Campus Resources (2021)


VetSet2Go: build your veterinary employability

Training and online tools

NIH Office of Training and Education

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity: NCSU students have access to a free account!


Best BETS for Vets – Supporting veterinary clinicians in making evidence-based decisions


Center for Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine (CEBVM) at University of Nottingham

FOAM (free open access medical education) for vets: vetFOAM

Education research and theory

The Scholarly Teacher blog

Teaching Guides from the Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University: The CFT has prepared guides to a variety of teaching topics with summaries of best practices and links to other online resources.

Dr. Mick Flanagan’s site on teaching and learning in higher education, from University College London: I particularly like his introduction to the idea of Threshold Concepts, which is particularly pertinent to teaching/learning clinical reasoning skills in vet/med education.

Academia and the academic path

The Professor is In blog

The Chronical of Higher Education: a news-y site for academics

xkcd and PHDcomics, of course.

Other resources can be found on my Resources page.

Veterinary Medical Education