
Caroline Andrews

Picture and bio coming soon!


Nandita Chittajallu

Nandita is a veterinary medical student at the University of Wisconsin SVM, class of 2026. She has a background in wildlife rehabilitation and low-cost, high volume veterinary care. As such, her veterinary passions reside in wildlife medicine and accessibility of care, specifically in the small animal field. In the Lashnits lab, she is working on a project to collect fleas from free roaming cats in all 48 continental states to characterize flea-borne pathogens across the country. Outside of school, you can find Nandita hiking, doing wildlife photography, cooking, and spending time with her four cats.




Ethan Elazegui

Ethan is a veterinary student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, class of 2026. He holds broad interests in dentistry, international veterinary medicine, One Health, and research. Recently, Ethan traveled to India for his Global Health Certification where he explored antimicrobial resistance in domesticated livestock, cultural barriers to wildlife protection, human-animal conflict, and zoonotic diseases. Outside of school, Ethan enjoys playing baseball, listening to Classic Rock music, and solving 1,000+ piece jigsaw puzzles.

Ethan’s research in the lab is working on clinical reasoning skills of fourth year veterinary students throughout their clinical rotations.



Amanda Gimenez

Amanda is a veterinary medical student at the University of Wisconsin SVM, class of 2025. She has interests in One Health, animal welfare, and mixed animal medicine. Outside of research, she’s involved in high-volume spay/neuter clinics and travels to rural areas to provide accessible veterinary care to underserved communities. In her spare time, Amanda enjoys exploring the outdoors with loved ones, reading, and making art for her friends.

Amanda is working on a clinical trial investigating the use of fecal microbial transplant for treatment of parvoviral enteritis in the outpatient setting, with the goal of improving access to life-saving care for vulnerable puppies with limited access to veterinary care.



Carly Olsen

Carly is a veterinary medical student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison SVM, class of 2026. She has an interest in companion animal medicine, shelter medicine, and dentistry. In her free time, Carly enjoys playing volleyball, hiking with her dog Mocha, and spending time with her friends.

Her research also focuses on clinical reasoning skills of fourth year veterinary students throughout their clinical rotations.


Haley Uustal

Haley completed her Masters of Public Health at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, class of 2023. She is interested in infectious disease epidemiology, OneHealth, and healthcare data interoperability. Under the guidance of Dr. Lashnits, she is investigating Bartonella infections in humans, and their association with chronic illness and mental health. In her free time, Haley enjoys hiking, listening to podcasts, and pet sitting for her friends.


Bartonella Review Team

The Bartonella Review team (BaRT) is a group of veterinary students assembled to research, write, edit, and ultimately publish a review article on Bartonella spp. infection in dogs and cats. In the process, they learned critical research skills including literature searching, critically evaluating primary research articles, working collaboratively in a team, and writing for a scientific audience.

Taber R, Pankowski A, Ludwig AL, Jensen M, Magsamen V, Lashnits E. “Bartonellosis in Dogs and Cats, an Update.” Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2022 Nov;52(6):1163-1192.  doi: 10.1016/j.cvsm.2022.06.006.

Team members:

  • Maggie Jensen: UW DVM class of 2023
  • Allison Ludwig: UW DVM class of 2023
  • Veronica Magsamen: UW DVM class of 2024
  • Annie Pankowski: UW DVM class of 2023
  • Rachel Taber, DVM: UW DVM class of 2022