CAVIDS Titer Testing

Titer Testing Details

Notice of Expected Delay:  Samples received 24 February thru 7 March will be processed as usual, but will not be tested until the week of 10 March 2025.  Any puppy nomograph follow-up samples received during this time will be screened on a color change assay to provide a timely preliminary report.  These samples will also be run on our standard tests the week of 10 March, with official report to follow.  Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Shipping – please indicate CAVIDS on the outside of package for more efficient delivery.  A printable mailing label is available on separate tab of this website.

PaymentPlease enclose a check payable to University of Wisconsin with your shipment.  If other methods of payment are required, including the needs of international clients, please be in touch by phone or email to make arrangements. For security reasons, do not include credit card information.  We cannot accept credit card payments in the laboratory.

 Fees for 2025

Test Requested Fee
CDV/CPV-2 panel $55
Nomograph CPV/CDV $60
Puppy Nomograph Follow-up CDV/CPV $55
CAV add-on (additional fee) $28
Feline Panleukopenia $28
Single CAV, CDV or CPV-2 $28

(Scroll down for all tests offered by CAVIDS Laboratory)

Canine Distemper/Parvo Titer Panel

Sample:  ½ ml serum, can be stored in refrigerator up to 2 weeks before shipping

Price: $55/sample

Result: quantitative titers, with endpoint and interpretation of protection.

Shipping: USPS priority mail (or similar) 2 day delivery.  Overnight shipping is not necessary for this sample. Use shipping address listed on form (printable address label available in separate tab.)  “Exempt Animal Specimen”

Packaging: padded envelope or box, protect serum vial from crushing, no cold pack needed when ambient temperatures below 80°F, separate plastic bags for serum and paperwork is recommended.

Test run: Fridays (and earlier in the week when there are enough samples)

Reported: usually reported within 7-10 days of receipt of sample, result and interpretation sent to owner and/or veterinarian via email.

Payment:  enclose a check payable to University of Wisconsin with completed serum submission form.

Form:  please indicate history of most recent CDV/CPV-2 vaccination.


Canine Nomograph (CDV CPV2 Titer, maternally-derived antibody degradation)

Sample:  ½ ml serum, , can be stored in refrigerator up to 2 weeks before shipping. Best time for collection is early in pregnancy, but we can work with other collection timing as well.  Pre-vaccination sample from puppy can also be submitted for maternal antibody degradation analysis. Please indicate whelp date and sample collection date.

Best Timing for sample collection:  early in pregnancy is best. Avoid the two weeks on either side of whelp window due to colostrogenesis.  A scientific publication on this subject is in the reference section of this website.

Price: $60/sample

Result: quantitative distemper and parvovirus titers, with endpoint and interpretation of protection for the dam, plus vaccination schedule recommendation for litter included.

Shipping: USPS priority mail (or similar), 2 day delivery.  Overnight shipping is not necessary for this sample. Use shipping address listed on form (printable address label available in separate tab.) “Exempt Animal Specimen”

Packaging: padded envelope or box, protect serum vial from crushing, no cold pack needed for temperatures below 80°F, separate plastic bags for serum and paperwork is recommended.

Test run: Fridays (and earlier in the week when there are enough samples)

Reported: usually reported within 7-10 days of receipt of sample, result and interpretation sent to owner and/or veterinarian via email.

Payment:  enclose a check payable to University of Wisconsin with completed serum submission form

Form:  please indicate history of most recent CDV/CPV-2 vaccination, indicate “NOMOGRAPH” and include anticipated (or known) whelp date


Puppy Nomograph Follow-Up /CDV CPV2 Titer

Sample:  ½ ml serum, can be stored in refrigerator up to 2 weeks before shipping. Best time for collection is two weeks after the last puppy vaccination. Please indicate date of birth and date of sample collection.

Price: $55/sample

Result: quantitative titers, with endpoint and interpretation of protection.  Report includes titers of dam for comparison.

Shipping: USPS priority mail (or similar), 2 day delivery.  Overnight shipping is not necessary for this sample. Use shipping address listed on form (printable address label available in separate tab.) “Exempt Animal Specimen”

Packaging: padded envelope or box, protect serum vial from crushing, no cold pack needed for temperatures below 80°F, separate plastic bags for serum and paperwork is recommended.

Test run: Fridays (and earlier in the week when there are enough samples)

Reported: usually reported within 7-10 days of receipt of sample, result and interpretation sent to owner and/or veterinarian via email.

Payment:  enclose a check payable to University of Wisconsin with completed serum submission form

Form:  please indicate DOB and history of most recent CDV/CPV-2 vaccination, indicate “Puppy Nomograph  follow up” and include whelp date, Dam’s call name and Breeder’s last name (example: “Soko” Larson).


Canine Adenovirus Titer (infectious canine hepatitis virus)

Sample:  ½ ml serum (if this test is added to CPV-2/CDV titer request, send total of 3/4 ml minimum), can be stored in refrigerator up to 2 weeks before shipping

Price: $28/sample

Result: quantitative titer, with endpoint and interpretation of protection

Shipping: USPS priority mail (or similar), 2 day delivery.  Overnight shipping is not necessary for this sample. Use shipping address listed on form (printable address label available in separate tab.)  “Exempt Animal Specimen”

Packaging: padded envelope or box, protect serum vial from crushing, no cold pack needed for temperatures below 80°F, separate plastic bags for serum and paperwork is recommended.

Test run: when there are sufficient samples for a batch, usually once/week

Reported: usually reported within 2-3 weeks, result and interpretation sent to owner and/or veterinarian via email.

Payment:  enclose a check payable to University of Wisconsin with completed serum submission form

Form:  please indicate history of most recent CDV/CPV-2/CAV vaccination, Indicate “CAV TITER Requested”


Feline (Parvovirus) Panleukopenia Titer

Sample:  ½ ml serum, sample can be stored in refrigerator for up to two weeks before shipping

Price: $28/sample

Result: quantitative titers, with endpoint and interpretation of protection

Shipping: USPS priority mail (or similar), 2 day delivery.  Overnight shipping is not necessary for this sample. Use shipping address listed on form (printable address label available in separate tab.)  “Exempt Animal Specimen”

Packaging: padded envelope or box, protect serum vial from crushing, no cold pack needed for temperatures below 80°F, separate plastic bags for serum and paperwork is recommended.

Test run: Fridays (and earlier in the week when there are enough samples)

Reported: usually reported within one week, result and interpretation sent to owner and/or veterinarian via email.

Payment:  enclose a check payable to University of Wisconsin with completed serum submission form

Form:  please indicate history of most recent FPV vaccination, and indicate “Feline Panleukopenia (FPV) Requested”


Single Virus (CPV-2, CAV or CDV) Titer Test

Same as above, Fee $28. Please indicate “CPV-2 (CAV or CDV) ONLY”