Our students are among the very best – they are compassionate, intelligent, and skilled.
As veterinarians and researchers, they will make a difference supporting animal conservation, identifying emerging animal and human health diseases, ensuring the health of animals in shelters, advancing the health of zoo and aquatic center animals, serving as leaders in academia and industry, and caring for pets and their families.
Help support their educational goals by making a gift.
100 %of scholarship applicants received aid (2022-23)
2.1 MTotal student support awarded (2022-23)
697 Total scholarships awarded (2022-23)
Scholarships & Stipends
Veterinary Medicine Scholarship Fund
On average, our DVM students have about $111,000 in debt upon graduation, and scholarship gifts go a long way in offsetting that. Help support them by making a gift to the Scholarship Fund.
Daryl & Sharon Buss Graduate Program Fund
Gifts can provide funding to attract and improve the educational opportunities for M.S. and Ph.D. students, continuing the excellence of the Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program.
Enrichment & Recognition
Program Enhancement Fund
This fund is used to enhance and augment the DVM program – it is not used to support research or faculty activities. Gifts may be used for new student orientation program expenses and educational programs such as club or school sponsored speaker costs, support for educational equipment or devices, and/or other educational presentations and events.
Professional Development Travel Award Fund
This fund is used to provide travel awards to students to defray costs for DVM students who attend professional development and related activities. These can include, but are not limited to, AVMA legislative days, Veterinary Leadership Experience (VLE) and national professional conferences. The fund will not be used to support travel for externships or the SAVMA Symposium. The Fund must be used for costs associated with travel as defined by state travel policies.
Awards Banquet & Graduation Breakfast Fund
Each spring the school recognizes the achievements of the graduating class with an awards banquet. The school also hosts a graduation breakfast prior to the investiture ceremony for friends and family of the graduates. Both of these events are time honored traditions that foster goodwill and create fond memories for our students, faculty, and staff. These events rely completely on donations from individuals and businesses.
Contact Us
Kristi Thorson
Associate Dean for Advancement & Administration
(608) 265-9692
Pat Bowdish
Associate Vice President & Managing Director
(608) 332-4750
Heidi Kramer
Senior Director of Development
(608) 327-9136