Calf Health Scorer

Now available on iTunes App Store.

The Calf Health Scoring App was developed at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. The app uses a graphical interface to evaluate calf health based on scoring selected clinical parameters developed and employed by Dr. Sheila McGuirk. The clinical parameters are nasal discharge, ocular discharge, ear position or head carriage, appetite, attitude, coughing, recal temperature, fecal consistency, naval characteristics and appearance of the joints. Assigned scores range from 0 to 3 as the clinical sign progresses from normal to very abnormal.

Results from lung ultrasonography, as described by Dr. Terri Ollivett, may also be recorded. Lung ultrasound  scores are 0 – 5. Scores of 0 – 1 are considered normal. A score of 2 indicates the presence of a lobular, or patchy, pneumonia. A score of 3 – 5 is indicative of a more severe lobar pneumonia. Specifically, a score of 3 means that only one lobe is entirely consolidated, whereas a score of 4 means that two lobes are entirely consolidated, and a score of 5 means that three or more lobes are entirely consolidated. Ultrasound scores of 3 and greater suggest the presence of bacterial pneumonia.

When the app is initiated, the user is prompted for a Herd Code, Herd Name and Scorer Name. This is to facilitate data storage and retrieval. This information is also accessible from Settings / Calf Health Scorer.

To begin screening, enter the calf id to be scored by touching inside the CalfID text field. Type identification and when finished touch Done. You will then be prompted to choose a date to be entered for the calf’s birthdate. Choose desire data then touch Done. The calf’s age in days will be calculated and entered into the Age – d text field.

The Calf Health Scorer closely follows the guidelines used in the Calf Health Scoring Chart developed by Dr. Sheila McGuirk and available here.

Clinical parameters and point scale used for health clinical scoring Score the category by touching the appropriate picture. The score is entered into the category text field and pictures for the next category are displayed. You may skip categories by touching the next desired category in the category selector switch. An empty (null) score will be entered for all skipped categories when the record is saved.

To record an ultrasound score, touch the UltraSound Score selector button on the desired score. Calf and ultrasound comments may be added to the record by touching in the desired field and typing the comment. Touch done to complete the entry.

Points and Description

Clinical Parameter





Nasal Discharge Normal, serous discharge Small amount of unilateral, cloudy discharge Bilateral, cloudy or excessive mucus Coupious, bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge
Ocular Discharge Normal Mild ocular discharge Moderate bilateral ocular discharge Heavy ocular discharge
Ear Position Normal Ear flicking Slight unilateral ear drop Severe head tilt or bilateral ear droop
Cough Score No cough Induce single cough Induce repeated coughs or occasional spontaneous cough Repeated spontaneous coughing
Rectal Temperature 100-100.9 101-101.9 102-102.9 >= 103
Feces Normal Semi-formed, pasty Loose, but stays on top of bedding Watery, sifts through bedding
Naval Normal Slightly enlarged, not warm or painful Slightly enlarged with slight pain or moisture Enlarged with pain, heat or malordorous discharge
Joints Normal Slight swelling, not warm or painful Swelling with pain or heat, slight lameness Swelling with severe pain, heat and lameness
UltraSound Score





Lobular Pnuemonia

Lobar Pnuemonia
3=1 lobe
4=2 lobes
5=3 or more lobes

The text boxes near the bottom will indicate the number of calves scored in each category with a 2 or 3 and the total number of calves scored on the score date indicated in the Score Date text box.

The purpose of the Data button is to provide the user with methods to quickly delete many records from the data. A pop up window will provide three deletion options:

  1. Delete records from a dairy (date range)
  2. Delete all the records from a dairy
  3. Delete all records

The user is prompted to confirm any deletion choice. This deletion can not be “un-done”.

Touching the Email button will allow you to compose an email message containing your data. You will be prompted to Share data with the UW School of Veterinary Medicine. You may choose Share data or Do not share. In order to facilitate sharing your data with the experts at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, an email address will be added to the To: field. If you choose not to share your data, the draft email will appear with no email address inserted.

The Report button will show the data of your choosing (either List All, List to Treat, List Today, or Today Treat) for easy review. The List All and List to Treat options will included any scored today plus all previous scores. The List Today and Today Treat will only display those calves scored today.

Now available on iTunes App Store.