Required Undergraduate Coursework

Courses taken on other campuses to fulfill the required course work should be equivalent in scope and content to UW–Madison courses.  We will accept online courses taken at regionally accredited institutions. All required courses must have a minimum grade of C (2.0) or better to fulfill the requirement.

Decisions on these course equivalencies and satisfactory completion of course requirements rest with the Office of Academic Affairs and the Admissions Committee. Applicants are encouraged to prepare themselves for the DVM curriculum by taking additional upper-level science courses such as anatomy, physiology, microbiology, or cell/molecular biology. Applicants can work with the Office of Academic Affairs to determine if courses taken on another campus will meet the academic course requirements for the School of Veterinary Medicine.


The advising staff is available to meet with you by telephone or in person. Call (608) 263-2525 or email them at

General Biology OR Zoology

A one-semester introductory animal biology course and a lab. 4-5 semester credits. General biological principles; cell structure and organization, genetics, development and evolution, and structure and function of physiological systems.

Genetics OR Animal Breeding

A one-semester lecture course. 3 semester credits. The principles and application of inheritance including concepts of Mendelian, population, and molecular genetics.

General AND Qualitative Chemistry

A two semester lecture series and a lab. 8 semester credits. The principles and the application of inorganic chemistry that provides preparation for continued study of chemistry.

Organic Chemistry

A one-semester lecture course that has general chemistry as a prerequisite. 3 semester credit. A foundational study of the principles of organic chemistry that satisfies the biochemistry prerequisite.


A one-semester lecture course that has organic chemistry as a prerequisite. 3 semester credits. A study of the principles governing biologically active molecules applicable to molecular biology and modern medicine.


General Physics

A full academic year semester of physics. 6 semester credits (2 semester lecture series or 3 terms at a quarter credit institution). An introduction at the non-calculus level. Principles of mechanics, heat and sound, electricity and magnetism, light, atomic and nuclear physics with applications to a number of different fields.


A one-semester introductory course. 3 semester credits. A foundational study in probability and distributions, sampling inference, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and analysis of variance.

English Composition OR Journalism

6 semester credits. Must include completion of a satisfactory score on a college English placement exam or an introductory English composition course PLUS completion of one of the following: an English composition or Journalism course, graded on the basis of writing skills, or evidence that writing skills were included in the grading of a specific college-level course.

Social Sciences OR Humanities

Any elective courses in social science or humanities. 6 semester credits.