As the temperature drops and people and pets alike must face winter weather, the following precautions can help to keep animals safe and comfortable. Walking Woes In climates where winter weather requires the application of road …
UW Veterinary Care News

Honoring Compassionate Care and a Mother’s Memory
Posted onWhen the veterinarian who cared for Richard Magnus’ five exotic pet parrots unexpectedly passed away in March of 2020, he was justifiably worried about finding somebody who could handle his beloved birds with the same …

Behind-the-Scenes Veterinary Staff Help Surgeries Run Smoothly
Posted onWhen most people think of the operating room (OR), they picture doctors performing surgery. However, getting to that point takes lots of preparation. OR technicians and on-call student hourlies help ensure operating spaces are prepped …

Neutering Know-How
Posted onNeutering (the surgical removal of both testicles to sterilize a male animal) is one of the most common procedures veterinarians perform. However, there are many myths surrounding whether neutering is necessary and potential complications. For …

Legacy Continues for Dog Whose Cancer Treatment at UW-Madison Inspired Millions
Posted onLong after the last play was called in the 2020 Super Bowl and fans and players left the stadium, an amiable golden retriever named Scout, who appeared in a 30-second commercial during the game’s second …

Pet Cancer Treatment Fund Helps Jubal Jump Back
Posted onJennie and Steve Leffel love cats like no other. So, when their friend had a cat expecting kittens, the pair jumped to take care of one. They named the kitten Jubal and welcomed him to …

Pets as Gifts: Important Factors to Consider Pre-Present
Posted onWe all know the holiday trope where a child opens a present and a kitten or puppy pops their head out. It’s a cute idea but gifting a pet for the holidays is a huge …

Table Scraps? With Many Human Foods, Pets Should Pass
Posted onWhen the kitchen is full of baking and cooking, and the whole family is eating around the table, it’s easy to want your pets to join in the merriment. You may be tempted to slip …

Client Support Helps Find Cause of Common Dog Disease
Posted onWhen Allison Smith and Tom McManus noticed their Labrador Retriever, Beau, was breathing noisily more often and walking differently, they knew something was wrong. After taking Beau to the veterinarian, they discovered he had laryngeal …

Support Network: Veterinary Medical Social Worker Serves Hospital Team and Clients
Posted onWhen Kevin Kasza entered his oncology clinical rounds as a fourth-year student at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, he knew it would have some challenges. Oncology, the study and treatment of cancer, …